…on the go, and on their smartphones
When you engage students on their terms, you increase satisfaction, you increase retention, and you can provide support when it's most needed.
University Assistant makes it quick and easy to do exactly that.
When you implement our three guiding philosophies, you get more engaged, happier students, and can react quickly to changes.
Share high quality, targeted content that cuts through the noise and nudges behavior.
Asking for help shouldn’t be complicated or embarrassing. Provide personal help and support in-the-moment.
Listen to students, measure their engagement, and respond in real-time.
“Our students are always on the move, and always on their smartphones. University Assistant give us a fantastic engagement channel that’s always within students’ reach. It helps us target our communications, it provides an intuitive support channel, and provides the leadership team with real-time analytics - so we can react and adapt to student feedback and insight in a more agile way.”
Professor Hanifa Shah
Executive Dean, Birmingham City University
Nudge students toward attending important events, and automatically notify them when plans change.
Give students a place where they can find every exam and assignment, and ensure they don't miss deadlines with automatic reminders.
Grab students’ attention—and keep it—with engaging short-form videos and insightful articles
Use modern, familiar tools to encourage students to ask simple, in-the-moment questions.
Keep students on-the-ball with the right message at the right time.
With no complicated IT integrations, you can launch to students in less than a day, and expand when you want to.
Simply add your articles, videos, events, and assessments.
Target them to specific students: by course, by year, or by any other trait.
Invite your students to install the University Assistant app.