
Articles and videos

Your students require different kinds of engagement and support during different stages of their academic journey.

From course leader video introductions when they’re new, through pre-assignment checklists when they’re going through their first assessments, to post-graduation job search tips, articles help your students get the information they need right now.

And they’re designed to be read on-the-go, so they’re short, to the point, and they link out to external resources (such as your website or VLE) for students who want to read more.

Engaging videos from course leaders excite students by discussing upcoming course material.

Help applicants to discover what they’ll want to bring to university with them.

A pre-assignment checklist to help new students understand what is expected.

Your best students can help their peers by sharing their best revision tips.

Share important safety information to make sure students are kept out of harm’s way.

Ensure more students know about your mental wellbeing services by putting it front-and-center in University Assistant.


Articles can stand on their own in your student’s feeds, or your team can group them into collections. You might want a collection of articles detailing your various wellbeing services and how to take advantage of them, or perhaps a collection containing your favourite coffee shops, take-outs, and music venues to help students new to your city feel at home?

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